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Dog Life!

Creating the best environment for your individual dog

We want the best outcomes for your wonderful dogs! We specialize in "underdogs" - dogs who may need a little extra TLC to find their way in the world -  but we love every dog, from the couch potato to the Zoomies Expert!  Chihuahua? Yes! Rottweiler? Yes! Golden Retriever? Yes! Pit Bull? Of course! Happy Mutt? We've got you covered! Design a package to fit your dog's needs, whether he needs a refresher on manners, help coming out of his shell, or some assistance in handling the great wide world.

Initial 90 minute consult: $125
Initial consult + 2 one hour visits: $295
Initial consult + 5 one hour visits: $495

*For travel over 30 minutes from Bethlehem, an additional $20 charge will be added to the total cost of the training package.

Stress-free Vet Visits 

Un-scarify the dogtor

Help your dog accept medical visits without fear! Teach your dog to accept handling, light restraint, and medical equipment. Each session is tailored to your dog, focusing on handling touch, medical equipment, and calm behavior in an exam setting. 

Behavior Concerns

If your dog is nervous, fearful, or showing signs of aggression toward other animals or people, call for a consultation to determine what is causing your dog's behavior.

Freedom Harnesses 

Enjoyable Walks

Humane and effective walking tools -  we are an official 2 Hounds Design retailer. Get your dog fitted for a walking harness in person or purchase online through our store!


It's fashion

Fill their closets (and yours!) Visit our store!

Welcome to Cerberus Dog Training Services!

Cerberus Dog Training Services strives to create a lifelong, positive, strong, healthy bond between you and your dog. Comfort, trust , and love are our priorities. We know that no person or dog is perfect; our goal is to work with the dogs we have, including their unique personalities or quirks, to help them navigate the human world - and to help ensure you enjoy your one of a kind canine companion!